Books for International Women’s Day!

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Happy International Women’s Day! In honor of today, I thought I’d share with you some great books written by women, all with a feminist theme. Feminism is a pretty nebulous term, so I’m by no means saying that these books entirely encompass it. In fact, they probably barely scratch the surface. There are a few here that I’ve read and highly recommend, and a few that are on my radar and I hope to get to soon. So let’s get into it!

Just as a warning, some of the books featured mention rape and sexual assault.

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Books I’d Like to Read in 2017


For a long time, I’d assumed that things like monthly TBRs don’t really work for me because I’m mostly a mood reader. That, coupled with the fact that for the last four years I’d had mountains of assigned reading, I never really liked tying myself to reading certain books within a certain time frame.

As it turns out, I was dead wrong, and setting tentative TBRs has actually helped me a lot in getting around to reading books that have been sitting around my room for ages. I made a post like this last year and you might notice that a couple of the books that I mentioned last year, are also on this list. That’s mostly because I was lazy, and didn’t push myself to read them, so they’re top priority this year. I’m thinking about setting a “theme” for myself each month—for instance, I’ve decided that I’ll read only fantasy books in February. This way I know I have to read certain books.

Very quickly, the books I’m carrying over are The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb, and The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. I talked about them a little in last year’s post, so I won’t go into them here. On the plus side, I did read two of the books on last year’s list so that’s not bad, right? 2 out of 5? Right.

Anyway, here are the books that I’m making a priority in 2017. As always, the covers will take you to the Goodreads page.

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Hello! I’ve been somewhat absent. Again. I’m trying very hard not to make this a habit, though I’ve really no excuse for my lack of posts. Obviously Christmas happened, and I work in retail, so I’ll let you imagine exactly how fun that was. I’d hoped to get this post up on Monday, but then New Year’s Eve happened and I was, perhaps, a touch hungover on New Year’s Day. Mostly, however, I was very full of cold, so my plans for a productive New Year’s unraveled very quickly. I promise I’ll be better at this (it is, actually, one of my goals for this year).

Anyway, it’s time to talk about my favourite books that I read in 2016! Much like my 2015 favourites, there’s not one single reason all of these books are on the list. Frankly, some of them are poles apart in terms of content and tone. This list basically consists of all the books I gave five stars this year, and some I gave four stars to (I’m remarkably stingy about five star ratings, for some reason). These books aren’t in any particular order, and there’s roughly ten books overall. This is very likely going to be a lengthy post, so I’ll get right into it!

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If you’re anything like me, you’ve barely started your Christmas shopping, and are frantically searching through gift guides hoping for inspiration. Today, I thought I’d share with you my go-tos when it comes to buying Christmas gifts for bookish friends. Though, honestly, they’re usually the easiest friends to buy for!

I know that this was a Top Ten Tuesday topic, but you’ll notice that it isn’t in the same format as my usual Top Ten Tuesday posts. There are way more than ten books in here, and I’ve split each of my recommendations into different categories. So while it isn’t in the same vein as TTTs usually are, I figured I’d give it a mention!

Without further ado, here are my recommendations!


BOOK TALK | Currently Reading

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In lieu of doing an actual monthly wrap up (which, realistically, it’s too late for me to do anyway) I thought I’d talk about all the books that I’m currently reading.

I seem to have fallen into a bit of an unfortunate habit this year, which is that I’m constantly starting books and then hopping between them instead of sitting down and actually finishing one. A lot of this is due to me trying to keep on top of a lot of university reading. I didn’t have much luck with the books on one of my previous modules, so I ended up starting books because I was so desperate to read something that I’d actually enjoy.

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Is it too late to be making posts like this? Probably. But let’s all pretend that it isn’t.

So, I am absolutely awful for buying books and then just…not reading them. In a lot of ways, it’s a really terrible habit, and I’m trying to get to the point where every book I own and haven’t read is one that I’m excited to read. Of course, this doesn’t include the books I have to read for my MA. I’m not forcing myself to feel excited about some of those. With this in mind, I looked over the books that I own and began ordering them in a way that prioritises the ones that I really should get around to reading, so I thought I’d share some of those with you today!

As an aside: there’s a theme here. There is a very clear theme. You can probably already tell what it is.

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There’s really not one unifying reason for all the books being on this list, and so there’s really no order to them either. Put simply, these are the books that I enjoyed the most this year, the ones that I look back on most fondly. For that reason, I didn’t actually give all of the books on this list a five-star rating (though really, if I’m being completely honest, there’s no logic behind which books I give five stars and which I don’t) and I’m certainly not saying that these are the best books ever written, or that they’ll appeal to everyone, I literally just enjoyed reading these books a whole lot, and I’m very excited to talk about every single one of them.

Continue reading “BEST BOOKS OF 2015”