Top Ten Graphic Novels on my TBR

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This week’s topic for Top Ten Tuesday is all about the visuals, a kind of freebie topic focused on graphic novels/comics/picture books. Today, I’ll be talking about the ten graphic novels that are at the top of my wishlist. I’ve only really gotten into comics and graphic novels over the last couple of years, so a lot of the books that I mention here are probably already pretty well-established. I’ve heard amazing things about all of them, and I’m desperate to read each and every one of them!

As always, the covers will take you to the Goodreads pages.

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It’s time for me to do mini-reviews of all the books I’ve read over the last three months! You can read my January-March wrap-up here, and my April-June wrap-up here. My reading definitely slowed down over the summer, owing to writing the bulk of my dissertation during July and August, so the only reason I’ve actually been able to keep on track with my goal of reading 50 books this year is because I read a lot of comics/graphic novels over the last few months.

I started the last post by discussing the books that I said I was currently reading in the last one, and yes, I’m still not finished with either The Lies of Locke Lamora or House of Leaves. I’ve only recently picked up The Lies of Locke Lamora again, and I am really enjoying it, it’s just that I’ve been getting distracted by wanting to read other things. Hopefully I’ll definitely get around to finishing House of Leaves this month, as it’s on my TBR for Lauren’s Halloween Read-a-thon.

Now onto the few books I have read!


BOOK REVIEW | Nimona — Noelle Stevenson


READ: September 2015

FORMAT: Paperback

RATING: ★★★★★

The second book I decided to read in my exploration of graphic novels/comics was Nimona by Noelle Stevenson, a book that I’d been trying to resist buying basically since it came out. I actually read the webcomic around the time it first started, but I am honestly awful at keeping up to date with webcomics. I love them, and keep up with them for a time, then completely forget about them for months, go back and reread it all, promise I’ll keep up, and completely forget again. Naturally, I was incredibly excited to read Nimona in its entirety.

Continue reading “BOOK REVIEW | Nimona — Noelle Stevenson”

SERIES REVIEW | Saga — Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples


READ: June – September 2015

STATUS: Ongoing (five volumes so far)


It’s hard to write a review of Saga without either repeating what’s already been said, or spoiling everything. But, here I am. Although, even if I wanted to explain the specifics to you, everything I say would sound mad anyway. For instance, Saga contains the following: a race of humanoids that have TV sets for heads, a bipedal talking seal, and a cyclopean novelist who writes pro-peace subtext into his smutty books. Really, I don’t know what else you need to hear to convince you to read this series.

Continue reading “SERIES REVIEW | Saga — Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples”