#TheReadingQuest TBR

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Hello! Hi! It’s me again! Work is stressful! I stopped reading! I watched a lot of Ru Paul’s Drag Race! How have you been?

I’m back today with my TBR for #TheReadingQuest! This amazing readathon is hosted by Aentee @ Read at Midnight, and the lovely artwork was created by CW @ Read Think Ponder. This readathon is based on video games, in that you choose a character class and do challenges based along their path, gaining points as you do so. The readathon runs from Sunday 13th August to Sunday 10th September. You can find out more information at the sign up post!

The Reading Quest Character Card Creator MAGE

As you can see, I’ll be doing the Mage path. I picked this both because mage is pretty much my go-to character choice in any fantasy RPG, but also because I have a lot of books that match the prompts!




A BOOK WITH A ONE WORD TITLE: Temeraire by Naomi Novik

  • Naomi Novik’s Uprooted is probably one of my favourite books (though I know that’s not a sentiment everyone shares). Temeraire is the first book in a nine-part fantasy/alternate history series, and is a reimagining of the Napoleonic wars but with dragons. I was completely sold on this, and I already know that I love the author’s writing, so I’m super excited to get to this.

A BOOK THAT CONTAINS MAGIC: Stalking Darkness by Lynn Fllewelling

  • This is actually the second book in a series, I read the first book, Luck in the Shadows, a couple of days ago and really, really liked it. So much so that I had to work the next two books in the series into this readathon somehow. This series, in a nutshell, is about two bisexual thieves, set mostly in a country run by a warrior queen. And if you aren’t immediately sold by that, I don’t know what to tell you.

A BOOK BASED ON MYTHOLOGY: The Gospel of Loki by Joanne M. Harris

  • I picked this up mostly on a whim, uh, years ago now. This is a retelling of Norse mythology, told in first person from Loki’s perspective. Loki is such a fascinating character in almost every iteration of him in popular culture, so I’m glad this readathon is giving me the opportunity to finally get around to reading this.

A BOOK SET IN A DIFFERENT WORLD: Traitor’s Moon by Lynn Fllewelling

  • This is book three in the Nightrunner series, and as such I don’t really know too much about it. Suffice to say I’m very attached to Seregil and Alec and their developing relationship. I was so desperate to pick up book two after finishing the first book, I figured it was probably best to factor in book three!

THE FIRST BOOK IN A SERIES: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb

  • I will read a Robin Hobb book this year even if it kills me.


I’m not sure how many of the below I’ll actually get to, since I ended up picking a lot of dense fantasy novels for this challenge (though, admittedly, they aren’t as long as they could be). However, a few books immediately came to mind when I saw the side quests, so I figured I’d include them anyway!


EXPANSION: Rogues by George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois (eds.)

  • I was chipping away at this quite a bit at the beginning of the year, and I figured that I might dip in and out of it during this readathon. I’ve read a few stories from it, but now that I’m all caught up with the Kingkiller Chronicles, I’m really looking forward to reading Patrick Rothfuss’ story in this collection.

ANIMAL COMPANION: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

  • Can you believe I haven’t read Six of Crows yet? Me neither! I really want to see what all the hype is about. I have read the Grisha trilogy, and loved the universe even if I wasn’t completely sold on the series. Six of Crows seems to get a lot more love, so I’m hoping I get time to read this.

GRIND: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

  • Okay, so this is barely over 500 pages, but I really wanted to include it! I was going to pick this for one of the main quest prompts, but I’m too attached to the Nightrunner series. Regardless, if I don’t read this during the readathon, I’m sure I’ll read it not long thereafter because I’ve been putting it off way too long!

So that’s my overambitious TBR! Hopefully I can get to at least half of these books?? I’m super excited to read all of them, and seeing everyone else’s TBRs is making me so excited!

Good luck if you’re also participating in the readathon! 🙂

Also, I promise I’m mostly back now. Maybe? Kind of? We’ll see.sig3






15 thoughts on “#TheReadingQuest TBR

  1. You have such a great TBR! 😃 Uprooted is one of my all-time favourites too, and I recently picked up Temeraire so I look forward to hearing what you think of it! And I’m so excited that you’re reading Six of Crows and Strange the Dreamer, they’re incredible and I’m sure you’ll love them 😃 Good luck for the readathon 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you love Uprooted too! I feel like it got a very mixed reaction haha! I’m so excited to get to all of these books, I just hope I manage to make time to read them all 😂
      Thank you!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Helloooo ❤ I always get oddly excited when I see a new post of yours! 😃

    I’ve heard really good things about Temeraire, so I’m curious to know what you think!
    OMG bisexual thieves!!! What!! How had I not heard of that? Putting it on my TBR asap hahaha.
    Also I have heard nothing but good things about Robin Hobb! Very excited to read your review when you get around to the book 😊

    I’m so excited about all the TBRs I’ve seen and I can’t wait to read reviews and posts all about the read-a-thon! Eek only a few days left! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you!! That’s so sweet!! ❤️❤️

      I know!! When I first heard about it I couldn’t believe that it wasn’t in my life already?? I’m hoping the rest of the series is just as good as the first book! I’ve been meaning to read a Robin Hobb book for the years now, they come so highly recommended so I have no idea what’s taken me so long 😂

      I’m super excited too! Everyone’s TBRs look amazing, I can’t wait to get started 😊


  3. The Gospel of Loki sounds fantastic! I love Norse mythology and Loki is such an ambiguous character. Marking it as to-read on Goodreads! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Such an interesting TBR, I hope you love Crooked kingdom, it’s amaaaaaazing. I haven’t read strange the dreamer yet, let Me know if you like it ! ❤❤❤❤


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